personal leadership coach & best selling author
Featured Media
International Best-selling Author
Book Press Release
“RiTika, a thought leader and life coach, uses her vast knowledge and training of western, eastern and spiritual philosophies to create a truly wholistic approach in helping and healing her clients. Through her own profound personal transformation, she was led to write her first book, highlighting simple life mastery skills that one can incorporate into their daily lives…”
Interview with Authority Magazine via Medium
Authority Magazine
CEO Skills: “Giving Feedback; How to Be Honest Without Being Hurtful”
Google Cloud Campus Guest Speaker
Advisor’s Magazine
“Many high-performers balk at the idea that they need a life coach to really help them thrive. But a good coach can be there to support even the most ardent go-getter through tough emotional times, complex career maneuvers, and in identifying areas for growth…”
Courtesy Sunnyvale Sun
Mercury News & Sunnyvale Sun
“Life coach RiTika Rose wanted to write a book to teach eight skills that will help people find their purpose and happiness. She accomplished that–mostly in a single weekend…”
Cupertino High School Library
Cupertino Today
“RiTika Rose, life coach and author, is coming to Cupertino High School on Feb. 2 to discuss her book, T.A.G.G.E.D. U.R. IT!: Become the Leader of Your Own Life…”
The Girl with The Tree Tattoo
The Girl with the Tree Tattoo Blog
“As dancers, we understand the importance of connection and we understand the importance of keeping both our mind and body in top shape. A therapy that connects mind and body is tailor-made for us…”
Interview with Aeriol Asher
Healing Mind Body and Soul Podcast
Finding New Hope, Confidence and Peace by Standing in Your Truth. An interview with RiTika Rose…
Interview with Steve Kidd
Thriving Entrepreneur: Now is Your Time to Make A Difference
“Sometimes your biggest enemy is yourself. But you need to remind yourself that you have so much potential inside of you, and you have the ability to make a difference and change the world…”
Interview with Beatrice Crocker
I’m Ready Now Coaching
RiTika’s Purpose statement “Your Self-Care is your Healthcare and through Self-Awareness comes Self-Healing.” RiTika uses her strengths, skills and passion for helping others to heal from their inner battles and support their personalized path to peace…
Interview with Yamini and Namrata
Dil Ki Awaaz
Interview with Leading Bay Area Indian Community Radio Show
Link no longer available
Interview for Thrive Global
Thrive Global
“Giving Feedback; How to Be Honest Without Being Hurtful”
Interview with Prem Connection
Radio Zindagi
Prem Connection guest award winning author and life coach Ritika Rose . She shares some very meaningful tips on how to find your authentic self and how to achieve your personal and professional goals.